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The Forensic

Schema Sessions

Live Training

Join Dr. Lars Madsen and Shay Addison in 'The Forensic Schema Sessions: Live Training' event.
A 2-Day workshop offering advanced techniques and innovative strategies in forensic schema therapy.

Brisbane 2025

20 February 2025 - 21 February 2025
TBC, Brisbane


Queenstown 2025

26th June 2025 - 27th June 2025
Crowne Plaza, Queenstown


About the Workshop


Join renowned experts, Shay Addison and Dr Lars Madsen, the visionary minds behind the acclaimed podcast ‘Beyond the Crime’ and the transformative online course ‘A Hero’s Journey: The Forensic Schema Sessions’, for an unparalleled live training event in advanced forensic schema therapy. This event is designed to elevate your practice and deepen your understanding of applying schema therapy in challenging forensic settings.

Comprehensive Curriculum

This intensive two-day workshop offers an in-depth exploration of advanced techniques and theories that extend far beyond the foundational principles of schema therapy. Participants will gain access to:

  • Forensic Schema Therapy Theory: Delve into the sophisticated nuances of schema therapy when applied to forensic populations. Learn how to tailor your therapeutic approach to the complexities of criminal behavior and personality disorders within high-stakes environments.
  • Specialized Mode Mapping: Gain expertise in constructing and utilizing mode maps specifically designed for clients with complex personality disorders, including psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder. Understand how to identify and intervene with maladaptive modes that are characteristic of these challenging clients.
  • Crime-Specific Applications: Acquire knowledge on how to effectively apply schema therapy to various criminal behaviors such as firesetting, violent and sexual offending, and Lone Actor Grievance Violence. This segment will also cover the unique challenges and therapeutic interventions necessary within institutional contexts housing high-risk offenders.
  • Advanced Techniques: Enhance your proficiency in advanced schema therapy techniques such as limited reparenting, limit setting, and imagery rescripting. Learn to adapt these techniques to meet the needs of forensic populations, ensuring ethical and effective therapeutic outcomes.

Innovative Approaches

Enhance your forensic schema therapy practice with integrated approaches:

  • Stoic Principles in Forensic Schema Therapy: Discover how to incorporate Stoic philosophy into schema therapy to fortify the Healthy Adult mode in forensic clients. Equip yourself with strategies to promote emotional regulation, resilience, and personal responsibility, guiding clients towards more adaptive, Stoic-informed responses to the unique stressors and challenges they face within forensic contexts.
  • Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) in Forensic Settings: Learn how to blend CFT with schema therapy to address pervasive issues of shame, guilt, and low self-worth often found in forensic populations. Develop tools to foster self-compassion and emotional healing, crucial for breaking through the rigid, maladaptive schemas that can perpetuate offending behaviours.
  • Self-Care Strategies for Forensic Therapists: Design a self-care plan specifically for professionals working in forensic environments. Integrate mindfulness practices, peer support, and methods to nurture your own Healthy Adult mode, ensuring you remain resilient, effective, and grounded while navigating the complexities of working with high-risk, challenging clients.

Practical Skills Development

  • Handling Challenging Modes: Learn targeted strategies for managing particularly difficult forensic-specific modes, such as angry parts and conning manipulator modes. These practical tools will help you navigate the intense emotional and behavioral challenges presented by forensic clients.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in dynamic role-plays, case discussions, and hands-on exercises designed to solidify your understanding and mastery of advanced forensic schema therapy. These interactive sessions will allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in a controlled, supportive environment.
  • Ethical Considerations: Gain insights into the complex ethical issues unique to forensic therapy. Benefit from expert guidance on maintaining ethical integrity while managing risk, confidentiality, and therapeutic boundaries in forensic contexts.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn directly from two of the most respected voices in forensic schema therapy. Elevate your practice, expand your therapeutic toolkit, and connect with a network of like-minded professionals who share a commitment to advancing mental health in forensic settings.

Register now to secure your place in this transformative training experience. Spaces are limited and early registration is highly recommended!


Dr Lars Madsen


Dr. Lars Madsen is a seasoned forensic psychologist with over 20 years of experience, particularly known for his expertise in forensic schema therapy. As the Clinical Director of the Forensic Clinical Psychology Centre, Dr. Madsen has applied schema therapy to complex forensic cases, including high-risk offenders with severe personality disorders. His work spans clinical and custodial settings in Australia and the UK. Dr. Madsen has also provided specialized forensic training for organizations such as Correctional Services, Child Safety, and other agencies, sharing his deep knowledge and practical insights. In this training session, he will guide participants through the application of forensic schema therapy in challenging contexts, offering valuable tools for working with complex forensic populations.

Shay Addison


Shay Addison is an experienced forensic psychologist with over 20 years of practice, known for her warm, pragmatic, and discerning approach as a therapist. As a Director of the Forensic Clinical Psychology Centre, Shay has worked in both custodial and community settings across Australia and the UK since the mid-90s. She specializes in the assessment and treatment of sexual offending and has delivered consultancy and training services to various organizations, including Qld Corrections, Child Safety, and the Catholic Church, focusing on the assessment and management of sexual offenders. In this training session, Shay will share her extensive expertise in forensic psychology, offering participants valuable insights and practical strategies for managing complex forensic cases.





Crowne Plaza – 93 Beach Street, Queenstown, New Zealand

Testimonials from our online workshops

“...I was so enthralled that I binge-watched the course in two days. It was great, and I know this because I felt quite emotional at the end of each film clip, sometimes in tears. It really honed my skills and knowledge about modes, mode mapping and experiential work.”

Lauren C, Psychologist (WA)Completed 'A Hero's Journey: The Forensic Schema Therapy Sessions'

“This course was unique, educational - and so entertaining. I've re-watched nearly every clip!
Absolutely amazing and so important! Best training I've ever done. I'm just starting out in the field, but the sessions were easy to follow and really insightful.”

Psychology Student (QLD)Completed 'A Hero's Journey: The Forensic Schema Therapy Sessions'

“This training exceeded all my expectations.”

Psychologist (QLD)Completed 'A Hero's Journey: The Forensic Schema Therapy Sessions'

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can complete this training?

This advanced training is designed for mental health professionals, forensic psychologists, and accredited schema therapists who seek to expand their expertise and efficacy in working with forensic populations. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or relatively new to the forensic field, this event promises to deliver invaluable insights, practical tools, and the latest in therapeutic innovation.

How can I prepare for the training?

To make the most out of your 2-day workshop, here are some tips to help you prepare:

  1. Catch up on our podcast, ‘Beyond the Crime: A Psychological Analysis’ here
  2. Familiarise yourself with Forensic Schema Modes. Our Schema Art is available on our website, here

I did the 'Hero's Journey' training, can I still do this?

Absolutely! Even if you’ve already completed the Hero’s Journey training, you can still benefit from this advanced live training. While the Hero’s Journey offers a thorough introduction and practical guide to forensic schema therapy through an immersive online format, the in-person training with Shay Addison and Dr. Lars Madsen takes your learning to the next level.

This live event focuses on advanced techniques, specialized applications, and innovative approaches not covered in the online course. It’s designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your skills with more complex and nuanced strategies tailored for high-stakes forensic settings.

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in experiential exercises, interact with professionals, and participate in roleplay scenarios. You’ll receive individualized feedback from Shay and Lars, allowing you to refine your techniques and address specific challenges you face in your practice.

By participating in both programs, you’ll gain a well-rounded expertise, from foundational concepts to cutting-edge practices, maximizing your proficiency and impact in forensic schema therapy.

Additional Questions

For any additional questions, please email us at