More Information
We have 20 years’ experience understanding, treating and providing guidance with psychological problems in medico-legal and giving evidence in court contexts. We understand the complexities of both people and the legal context itself and our unique experience enables us to respond comprehensively and astutely to issues.
As expert witnesses we are thorough, reliable and deeply knowledgeable about our expert areas. We have over 15 years’ experience giving evidence in a range of legal context including the Supreme, Family and Children’s Courts.
We deliver services in a Scientist Practitioner framework, drawing on research evidence to assess problems, design assessment, intervention and evaluation solutions, which deliver and produce clear outcomes.
We are deeply committed to our brand promise to deliver ‘Raise the Bar’ through our services, that are tailored to your and your clients’ needs.
Relevant Treatment Services
We provided expert individualized interventions for a range of issues and behaviors including:
- Sexual offending
- Internet Based Sexual Offences(Child Exploitation Material)
- Violence – including Domestic Violence.
- Anger and Self-regulation Problems
- Trauma
- Sexual Deviancy and Sexual Behaviour problems (including exhibitionism, paraphilias)
- Personality Disorder, including Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Psychopathic Personalities
Relevant Assessment Services
We provide an expert assessment with clear opinions and recommendations written in plain English.
- Pre-sentence Mitigation Reports
- Risk of Violence and Institutional Violence Reports
- Risk of Sexual Violence Reports
- Risk of Stalking / Domestic Violence Reports
- Risk of General Offending Reports
- Psychological Injury and Compensation Reports